Inspired by…my style statement

Sitting all alone in my big, empty house. Kids are all accounted for, away at sleepovers, husband travelling and here I am…actually alone. I can honestly say I have never spent a night alone in my house.

Our household is a very busy one. This moment has given me pause to think. I am really not all that far away from being an empty nester. I am not sure how I am feeling about that right at this moment. Usually I would be doing a happy dance, glass of wine in one hand, phone in the other, ready to find some playmates. In reality though ~ Its feeling a bit quiet around here.

Perfect timing to write about this…

book, live by your design,

I have been meaning to write about Style Statement by Carrie McCarthey & Danielle LaPorte for some time now, but truth be told, I am still not finished all the exercises in it. I started out strong, finishing most of them, but then I needed some time to absorb it all. To stop and allow myself to consider and remember the how and why of all the choices I have made to date. That is very powerful in itself. I have found myself having many a’ha moments.

I have gone back to the basics.Not who I want to be or may think I am, but the true, authentic me! The girl in her twenties with few roles and her whole life ahead of her.The dreamer, the one with the rose-colored glasses…  I have chosen my life “style” but am I still true to my “style” after all these years?

The Style Statement, Danielle Laporte, Carrie McCarthy, book review

As many of you here are following me on my creative journey and are aware of my artistically afflicted ways, I know you are thinking…dreamer, flighty, adventuresome, impulsive, hopefully inspiring:)..but with all of this self expression I have had to stop myself many times and question my creations  “is this really me?”

Style is the way you say it, the way you do it, the way you live it. Sometimes it is an appearance. Sometimes it is an attitude.

Style Statement is a workbook. It is very detailed and requires some well thought out answers. It not only encourages you to examine what works well for you, but also what doesn’t work..It explores everything from your health and wellness, to your spirit and even all the stuff you collect inbetween~ your lifestyle map.

style statement, book, danielle laporte, carrie mccarthy

It is about discovering your true authentic self.It encourages you to explore, inquire, define and ultimately design…”Live by your own design”

And that is why I am highly recommending this book to you! I know many of you here are on your own life adventures…

This is an invitation to make more powerful choices…to create your life with intention…to communicate who you are in all you do.

I found this book to be very grounding.I am not sure I have learned anything new about myself, but it has definitely served as a  gentle reminder of who I am ..not as a  wife, a mother or daughter…all roles that are very easy to get caught up in…but me. I like to think of it as going back to the basics and then applying them back into my roles and the life I lead now…


A few little reminders I have encountered along the way …

~I love, big, bold and colorful in all aspects of life. I also love black and white, but it is my safety net.

~as much as I would love to be thought of as elegant, I am more realistically bohemian.

~I am playful, crafty, good-natured and definitely do not act my age.

~as much as I would love to think I could live in bright lights and a big city, I am more of a country (preferably by the sea) kind of girl.I would be quite happy driving down the coast in a VW with my family and dog…and my bike and a few art too.It would be a very full VW

The list is extensive.. and less superficial ( I can only share so much;) but I  have had many a little laugh at myself because I often get caught up in my fantasy world and believe I am someone I am not.

Fantasy ~ my closet is full of some beautiful, high-heeled shoes

Reality~ I live in the mountains, my favorite outfit is jeans, a tee and boots and I am sitting here all alone in my house, not out on the town, on my first and only night off from reality.

What about you? Think you are ready to live by your own design?

deborah Velasquez, quote, authenticity

Your own Style…Your own voice. Artist Deborah Velasquez